Adnan Lotia is a designer who began by creating with LEGO bricks as his primary material, but has since transitioned to digital LEGO creations, sharing images of his finished works on Instagram.

“I’ve picked up digital construction using BrickLink Studio along the way,” the artist explained in an interview with Loudwire. “I absolutely love how much freedom, flexibility, and speed it provides to LEGO artists,” the artist added in the interview.

Tupac’s “All Eyez On Me,” Deadmau5‘s “Random Album Title,” Sade’s “Diamond Life” and many other albums have been recreated by the artist in less than half a year of building the album artwork replicas.

He told Loudwire that he got into the hobby after teaching robotics classes, and that it all started with his love of music, which included “idolizing 80s pop superstars” and playing grunge in a high school band, among other things.

“[I] became interested in electronic music and R&B while in college, then became deeply involved in progressive rock as an adult, and recently discovered a resurgence of interest in 1970s disco and funk.” “I switch between different musical genres a lot because there’s very little music that I don’t like,” he explained.

The inspiration for his first LEGO album came while he was listening to Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon,’ in which he re-imagined the prism on the cover of the album as a prism made of LEGO bricks.

“I got to thinking about what other cover art could be adapted into LEGO and I’ve been working on refining my process ever since,” he explained. “I try to construct as much as I possibly can in my head before putting any pieces down on the table.”

I look for focal points on the album cover that could be conveyed effectively in LEGO, and then work my way outwards from there,” says the artist.

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